
To install the Artis Theme. You need the latest version of Wordpress. Here is the download URL. Once you downloaded and set it up, you are ready to go. You can install this theme in two ways:

1.1 Automatic Installation (Recommended)

  1. Download ZIP package file and unzip it
  2. In unzipped folder you will find a folder named artis-all and file
  3. In your Wordpress Dashboard navigate to Appearance > Themes Installation
  4. Click on Add New, then clicking on Upload Theme and browse the file, finally click Install Now Installation Installation Installation
  5. Wait a while until the screenshot below appears, on this form clicking on Activate link to active artis-all. Theme has been installed and activated Installation

1.2 Manual Installation

  1. Download ZIP package file and unzip it
  2. In unzipped folder you will find a folder named artis-all and
  3. Simply upload the unzipped "artis" folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server via FPT
  4. Login to your Dashboard, go to Appearance/Themes menu and active Appearance theme Installation

1.3 Install Needed Plugins

After activating the theme, you will see a Required Plugins notice. They are absolutely necessary for the theme to be fully operational Install Needed Plugins Install Needed Plugins

The installation process may take awhile on some hosts, so please be patient. All installations have been completed. Scrolling down and click on the link "Return to the Dashboard".

All needed installation have done. Follow next step if you want to install sample data like our demo website.

1.4 Importing Sample Data

In Dashboard choose KendyThemes and click Import Demo Importing Sample Data

The installation process takes a time to finish this. Please wait on until process import is completed. Importing Sample Data

Theme Options

Theme Options Panel is a place where you can control every aspect of your website with few button clicks. It is accessible from the "Dashboard/Theme Options" menu in your WordPress Dashboard

Theme Options

2.1. Saving the Theme Options Panel

After you have made some changes in the panel, please don't forget to click the "Save All Changes" 1 button located both in the bottom and top section of the panel.

2.2. Restoring the default settings

To restore the Theme Options default data, simply hit the 'Reset All' 2 button located both in the bottom and top section of the panel.

2.3. Backing up settings

Backing up the current Theme Options state is truly easy. Just visit the "Import/Export" 3 tab and follow the instructions. After you create a backup you can then load it anytime later or on a different site location (while migrating servers and so on).

Theme Structure

This section covers information about the main theme sections

3.1 Header

Header is a section of your website that holds the logo image and the navigation menu Header Nav Header Nav

  1. Logo: to setup logo, go to Dashboard > Theme Options > General > Header Settings > Logo and upload your logo Header Nav
  2. Menu: to setup Menu, please do follow link

3.2 Portfolio

Portfolio is a section of your website on the below section "3.1 Header"

To create your portfolio:

  1. Create New Page
  2. In page template, please choose "Portfolio Page"
  3. Setup Page Header & Portfolio Settings

Footer is a section located at the very bottom of your site. It can hold the copyright data and a logo image


Go to Theme Options / General / Footer Settings to configs copyright and display socials Footer Settings

To setup the network soicals, you can go to Theme Options > Socials Footer Settings

Creating Pages and Content

4.1 General Information

Insert your content the classic way - directly to the Content Editor. This method is a default for blog posts.

4.2 Page Settings

Artis Theme comes with a truly simple page settings management systems that lets you easily choose a page layout, header, logo, sologan, footer, etc so on for each page and post individually.

You can configure, change the style and other settings of your Page in the Additional Settings.

Page Settings

Create Navigation

To get started, please visit the Appearance / Menus, type your 'Menu Name' and press 'Create Menu': Create Menu

After it's created, please assign it to "Artis Menu" theme location at the bottom of the site and hit "Save Menu": Create Menu

Now we are ready to start adding navigation elements.

Create Project

After all plugins required is installed, please go to Dashboard > Portfolio > Add New to create project for you.

  1. Create project: Dashboad > Portfolio > Add New Create Project
  2. Result in Portfolio Page Create Project
  3. Result in Single Portfolio Create Project

Create Posts

Here is a basic view of the blog post in the dashboard Add Posts

  1. Title of the post.
  2. Post Content - you can insert any text content here including shortcodes of course.
  3. Post Format - easily choose a format for your post. Each option will open an extra meta box for a specific type of a post.
  4. Post Categories - the post categories.
  5. Post Tags - the post tags.
  6. Featured Image - post thumbnail.
  7. Post Custom Settings.


7.1 KendyTheme Support

In your Wordpress Dashboard navigate to KendyThemes/ Share Post

KendyThemes Plugin

Source Credits

Along the project, I've been using the following assets, even if they were images, icons or other files, as listed

  1. jQuery Library Javascript
  2. Owl carousel Plugin Javascript
  3. Justified Gallery Plugin Javascript
  4. Magnific Popup Plugin Javascript
  5. Masonry Plugin Javascript
  6. Icon Font Awesome
  7. Google Fonts
  8. & much more...


Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you!

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this template. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this template.